Saturday - Matt pulling a Black Jon?
Sleeveless Josh and Same-face Ray.
Mayfair mob at the gate.
Setup situation.
Gary cancelled his toe.. Yikes.
Matt in a wonderland.
Uncle Buck.
Colby chilling as Bubba tailslides to victory.
Bubba approved.
Ya'll Homebase??
Paul arrived and we hit up the Tavy.
This photo maxed out the battery.
Sunday - Manny Mania.. "Yup, Ok, Uh huhh".
The course.. Good job Chad!!
Holding down the VIP tent, no bigs.
Paul, in VIP mode.
Team Butt!!!
Ballins diggin' for gold.
Po roasting in the judges booth.
Emery meeting coozie innovation.
Despite the heat, we did some work..
1. Delaware ripper. 2. Freddie Tan. 3. Nik Stain (tee heee).
$10.00 raffle time!!
Bubba with some fresh ink.
Jimmy, throw peeps back up!!
Pre-gaming with wine, no bigs.
Po set off the evening with a wonderful speech.
Dan Pensyl - 5boro x Skateplaza board presentation.
Cliff was absolutely killing it.
Chad & Po!!
Set em' up, knock em' down.
Butt & Rob Gonyon.
Matt putting in some work..
Wicky wicky.. wicky wicky..
Gonyon goin' in..
RIP Kuato-cam for custom settings and videos.
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